
Our Program


Counseling and Support

A dementia diagnosis is stressful. If your loved one needs help coming to terms with it, Then you should have to connect yourself with a best rehab centre ,This might include an individual or family therapist, social worker, psychologist, or psychiatrist.

At your loved one’s first visit with a counselor, they’ll talk about their symptoms (emotional, mental, and physical) and why they want counseling. You might take a survey with these questions. Your answers will give the counselor a better idea of the best ways to help.

Yoga & Meditation

Rehabilitation counselling :

It is focused on helping people who have Disabilities to achieve their personal, career, and independent living goals through a counseling process.

Rehabilitation Counselors can be found in private practice, in rehabilitation facilities, hospitals, universities, schools, government agencies, insurance companies and other organizations where people are being treated for congenital or acquired disabilities. Over time, with the changes in social work being more psychotherapy-oriented, rehabilitation counselors take on more and more community engagement work, especially as it relates to special populations.

Yoga and Meditation :

India is a very spiritual country and many de-addiction centres have spiritual aspects to their treatment. Yoga therapy and meditation are popular spiritual additions to addiction recovery programmes throughout the country. Many of the centres that use yoga and meditation techniques use other spiritual recovery methods, while some do not. Read our blog post on Yoga Therapy.

Benefits of Yoga :

Yoga can help people in recovery learn how to calm themselves without using of alcohol or drugs in addition to improving mental and physical health

  • Relax and lower stress. The meditative quality of yoga practice can trigger physiological changes that, taken together, are known as “the relaxation response.
  • Control anxiety and depression. Regular practice may help participants manage anxiety and depression, which many people experience in early recovery.
  • Calm the mind. Meditation and guided relaxation, which are used in some yoga programs, help to slow down an overactive mind, improve self-awareness and provide an opportunity to rest if sleep is disturbed.
  • Improve fitness. Physical yoga postures help to increase physical flexibility and strength.

  • Therapeutic Community Program

    Therapeutic Community Program

    Careful exploration of difficult life experiences – the work of everyone at Riggs – is most rewarding when patients also share their strengths with each other and with the staff in a serious partnership of mutual problem solving and social learning. Everyone—patients and staff alike—has something to offer and something to gain by participating. The Therapeutic Community Program includes an interconnected series of groups aimed at enhancing patient authority, fostering interpersonal learning, and creating an environment that supports treatment. We engage in a process of “examined living,” characterized by learning through public reflection (by staff and patients) on the meaning of behaviours, choices, and interactions.

    In the Therapeutic Community Program, patients can experiment with new ways of being in relationship using some of the insights that arise in psychotherapy. There are nearly 50 group meetings held each week, some open to all, some within the different residential programs, and some designed to address specific difficulties. These groups offer many opportunities to deepen understanding of how different ways of communicating affect the quality of relationships. Staff members offer consultation to small groups that focus on interpersonal learning and group dynamics. Other groups support sobriety or teach coping skills.

    There are art shows, reading groups, open mic nights, basketball games, and many other activities. Each patient chooses to participate in different groups and activities. The focus of many of the group offerings are negotiated in an ongoing way with the patients, helping to ensure that the offerings are relevant to current patients’ needs and interests. If there is a group that doesn’t yet exist, patients can join together to create it. It is a rare person who cannot find a place where they have something to learn and something to contribute in this community. Through this process of group interaction, a great deal of personal, social, ethical, and organizational learning can take place.

    12 Step program

    What Are the 12 Step Programs?

    While the methodology of each program differs, the purpose of a 12 step program is always the same –to help people struggling with addiction. The process includes different steps and goals that each member adheres to and accomplishes. According to the American Psychological Association, some common steps in the twelve-step process include:

  • admitting that one cannot control one’s alcoholism, addiction or compulsion.
  • recognizing a higher power that can give strength.
  • examining past mistakes with the help of a sponsor (experienced member).
  • making amends for these errors.
  • learning to live a new life with a new code of behavior.
  • helping others who suffer from the same alcoholism, addictions, or compulsions.

  • The Benefits of 12-Step Programming

    The Twelve-step program works on a guiding set of principles that assists addicts in recovering from addiction, compulsion, and other behavioral problems. The program has been adopted and adapted to address many different types of issues, including substance-abuse, dependency, alcohol abuse, food addiction, sex addiction, gambling addiction, and many others.

    We have seen 12-step programming work for some of our patients, and we invite you into this treatment option here at CASA Recovery in San Juan Capistrano. By finding the program and structure that works for you individually, we are able to tailor your program to exactly what you need to overcome your addiction. Contact us today to see how we can create the treatment program that will help you past and through your addiction and into your sober life. Our capable staff look forward to assisting you in your recovery.